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\I see, I see what you don't see

Aysegül Karaca, actress and singer, has a bad eye sight. Extremely bad. She only sees twenty percent. Moreover, she has a wobble eye, so her limitation can also be observed for everyone.

For a long time, she did not want to face that. She wanted to be a normal girl! And she succeeded in living a normal life, not realizing that she completely lost herself at a given moment. But she did not stay down for long!

In  an at times exceptionally humorous and sometimes interactive performance, full of music, Aysegül shares her world with the audience. She tells her story for the first time on the stage, which she loves as an actress and singer, but where she has never been so exposed before!

Ik zie, ik zie wat jij niet ziet is produced by the Storytelling / Theater Lab of Storytelling Center in co-production with Theater Rast.


Performed by: Aysegül Karaca

Concep and direction: Celil Toksöz

Assistent to the director and dramaturgy: Ivana Cult

Dramaturgy: Elena Serrano Gonzalez

Research: Anne van Delft

Special thanks to: Sophie Kassies

Let's Connect

Storytelling Centre

Meer en Vaart 290, 1068LE


020 412 1415

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