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\Lucky Day
Marjolein Frijling, Quesa,
Samuel van Belle, Robbie  Wallin

F YP Lucky Day v.2
00:00 / 05:24

Come to the show and make your move!


Maybe it will be your Lucky Day.

The question is: what will you do if you actually win the grand prize later? You may think about it now: will you keep the prize money yourself or give it away to someone else? The other person who is deeply in debt and can only dream of sleeping peacefully.

WARNING: After seeing the theatrical thriller-docu Lucky Day, you may not be able to sleep that night yourself.

Lucky Day is the new show by Storytelling Centre and Marjolein Frijling and is about debt. Especially about what it does to you to be in debt. Based on the stories of young people in debt, Marjolein creates a penetrating production with three performers, two of whom are experts by experience.

Lucky Day was created in cooperation with ONSbank, an organisation that helps young people with their debt problems.

Directing and concept: Marjolein Frijling

Play: Samuel van Belle, Quesa, Robbie Wallin en Marjolein Frijling

Dramaturgy: Arjen Barel

Marjolein Frijling studied cultural anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and then attended the Toneelacademie in Maastricht where she completed her directing training in 2009.


In recent years, Marjolein made the theatre performances 180 Amsterdammers, Fogo Correndo, Held(in) and Road Trippin', among others, combining storytelling with journalism/anthropology and live music. These performances were shown in various theatres and festivals in the Netherlands, such as Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Podium Mozaïek, Oerol Festival, Over 't IJ, Amsterdamse Bostheater (Boslab), Tolhuistuin, Artistic Climate Summit and Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam. She also regularly shows her work and gives storytelling workshops abroad, including in theatres and at festivals in Cape Town, Prague, Edinburgh, Munich, Perth (Aus) and Warsaw. In addition, Marjolein works as a radio producer and presenter a.o. for the programme Radiolab, a talk show where she talks to young people about social issues and which she has been running since 2015 i.c.w. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam and Publieke Omroep Amsterdam. She also regularly gives podcast/storytelling workshops to young people commissioned by the City of Amsterdam, ONS Bank and Storytelling Centre, among others. 


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Storytelling Centre

Meer en Vaart 290, 1068LE


020 412 1415

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