\The man who danced alone
Charafe Ennaji is a unique man. He is a dancer. Dancer in Morocco.
And he is not just a dancer. Probably he is the only male belly dancer in the country. Because he performed his art also in public spaces, his work is quite controversial and for that reason he was arrested a couple of times.
Meanwhile he tries to live a normal live in Casablanca. He gives dance lessons in different styles, he makes belly dance choreographies for tourist hotels and he dances in the contemporary dance performances.
Charafe lives for the stage, but never before he shared his story with an audience. Now he is ready to make a storytelling and dance performance in which he will tell about his life, his choices, the challenges he faces and the moments he is sure that this is the path to follow.
The man who danced alone is a contemporary and urgent performance about living as a sexual minority in a country where being Gay is still a reason to be imprisoned. However, it will also be an honest portrait about a passionate artist.
Performed by: Charafe Ennaji
Directed by: Arjen Barel
Artistic advice: Soufiane Moussouli
Music: Othman El Lamrani